Rafael Valiati dos Santos

PhD Student

Hi! I am a Bachelor in Physics from the University of São Paulo (USP) and Master of Science, title obtained at IFUSP working with the vertical profile of physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols in Central Amazonia, focusing on ground measurements at ATTO. For now, I am pursuing a PhD in our group researching the vertical transport mechanisms and fluxes of particles and gases in the Amazon using measurements from ATTO and the CAFE-Brazil experiment.

E-mail: valiati@usp.br

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9256951423847959

Featured work

Dissertação de mestrado

O perfil vertical de propriedades físico-químicas de aerossóis na Torre ATTO, Amazônia Central.


Vertically resolved aerosol variability at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory under wet-season conditions
