Bruno Backes Meller

PhD Student

I am a physicist, currently a PhD student at University of Sao Paulo. Whether working in the forest, inside the lab, or out there discussing ideas, you will always find me delighted to be working on biosphere-atmosphere interactions in the Amazon environment!

I am interested in the chemical composition of aerosol and aerosol precursor gases to better understand the physical and chemical mechanisms of aerosol secondary formation over the pristine ambient of the Amazon atmosphere. Also, the chemical processes of aerosol ageing, and how anthropic emissions disturb these natural processes. 

I have experience in fieldwork campaigns and data analysis using aerosol and gas mass spectrometers such as ACSM and CIMS. 


Links: Google Scholar | Lattes | Orcid | Publons 

Featured work

Process-evaluation of forest aerosol-cloud-climate feedback shows clear evidence from observations and large uncertainty in models

Nature Communications, Feb 2024

Aerosols from anthropogenic and biogenic sources and their interactions – modeling aerosol formation, optical properties, and impacts over the central Amazon basin

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, May 2021